Compare 3D CAD Files in Glovius
Design is an iterative process. As the design of a component is fine-tuned, some features are added, modified, or removed. These changes are difficult to communicate, since there is minor visual modifications between versions.
Use the Compare feature to visually see the changes in any two versions of a 3D component.
Compare 3D part and assembly files from popular formats like CATIA, NX, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Creo and Pro/ENGINEER, STEP, IGES, JT, Parasolid, and many more.

Analyze Comparison Results
Unchanged material is shown as translucent in the Comparison Results. Removed material is shown in Pink, and added material is shown in Blue. You can hide/show these materials for a better understanding of the comparison results.
Use the measure tool to better understand the changes.
Save the comparison results as a 3D PDF for sharing and collaboration.

Video Tutorial
Watch a Video Tutorial of the Compare feature in Glovius.