A Modern CAD Viewer Free Trial
- Open popular CAD file formats with Glovius.
- View 3D data, Product Structure, Attributes, PMI, and GD&T.
- Zoom, Pan, Rotate & Spin models.
- Standard Views. Perspective and Orthographic projection.
- Shaded, Wireframe, and Mixed render modes.
- Apply colors and transparency for easy identification.
- Hide, Show, Isolate, Move, and Search components.
- Explode assemblies to understand their construction.
- Print, with Print Setup and Print Preview support.
Measure CAD Files
- Take accurate linear, angular, and radial measurements.
- Quickly measure models and features with Assistive Measurement.
- Filter points, edges, and faces for measurement.
- 18 predefined selection tools for fast and accurate measurement.
- Tape Measure for continuous measurement of edges and curves.
- Measure Surface area, with support for multiple surfaces.
- Visually identify holes and their properties.

Analyze CAD Files
Analyze Tool: Get the component snapshot and view attributes, dimension extents, instances and Mass/Volume/Density.
Wall Thickness Analysis: Compute the material distribution in a part to identify areas of material optimization.
Collision Detection: Detect clashes and contacts in assemblies.
Projected Area: Calculate the Projected Area for use in Casting process calculations.
Draft Analysis: Compute the draft angles of all surfaces in a part for use in Injection Molding and Casting processes.
Export CAD files and Create Reports
- Export CAD files to STEP, IGES, 3MF, X_T.
- Create Bill of Materials (BoM) report, PPT and 3D Report.
- Export CAD files to 3D PDF and 3D HTML.
- Save CAD files as STL, 3DS, OBJ, Image (BMP/JPG/PNG/TIFF).
- Export CAD files to Glovius format for use on phones and tablets.

Cut Dynamic Sections

Cut dynamic sections along Standard or Custom Planes. Add multiple sections and hatches. Measure section profiles.
Compare CAD Files

Compare design revisions of CAD files and inspect changes in 3D. View the added, removed, and modified features.
Free DWG/DXF Viewer

View DWG, DXF, and CATIA CATDrawings files with Glovius 2D Viewer. Take measurements, compare revisions, and print/export to PDF.