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Sid is the product manager for Glovius. Email Sid at

Glovius for macOS

We plan to bring Glovius to the Mac, with similar features to Glovius for Windows, and at the same price of $480/year. Support this initiative by joining our waitlist.

Glovius at WESTEC 2019

WESTEC, the leading California manufacturing trade show, will be held at the Long Beach Convention Center from 24th to 26TH September, 2019. WESTEC has been providing solutions to manufacturing challenges for 55 years.California has more than 36,000 manufacturing firms employing 1.3 million people, and exported $142.4 billion in manufactured goods in 2016.

Bill of Materials (BOM)

A bill of materials (bill of material or BOM) is a list of the constituents of an assembly. In Glovius, you can use the BoM tool to view the Bill of Materials and also export BoM reports in PDF or CSV documents. The BoM report in PDF consists of the Name, Quantity, Extent dimensions and a reference image for quick identification in assembling operations. 

Introducing Glovius for Windows!

Today, I am pleased to introduce Glovius for Windows, a free JT viewer with inbuilt add-on architecture. Glovius is a high performance 3D visualization tool with an easy to use interface and a modern look and feel. The user interface has a familiar Microsoft Outlook layout, with panels on the left and the ribbon interface on top.

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