Calculate Billet Size and Wastage
Glovius has number of tools to quickly calculate and surface meta data associated with the CAD components. We recently introduced a new parameter to calculate the billet size needed to manufacture the component and the corresponding wastage of raw material in subsequent manufacturing steps.
Billet is the raw stock material needed to manufacture machined components. The size of the billet is dependent on the size of the component to be manufactured. It is thus an indicator of the cost of the component. The mass of the billet material is the starting point for all Should Costing procedures. The billet wastage is also an indicator of the manufacturing operations required. Optimization of billet wastage is a key indicator to improve the efficiency of both the manufacturing time and the material usage.
Calculate Billet Size and Wastage
Here are the steps to calculate the Billet size of the component –
- Open a 3D model in Glovius
- Select a component and click ‘Analyze’ tool
- The billet size and wastage parameters are displayed in the Analyze dialog

Download Glovius today and try the Analyze tool for fast overview of 3D CAD components.