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DXF File Viewer

View DXF files with Glovius. Measure, Compare, Print, and Export to PDF. Download Glovius.

Compare 2D CAD Drawings

The ability to visually compare 2D drawing files is helpful to quickly identify the changes in CAD drawing revisions or versions. Comparing 2D files helps you save lots of time and enables faster collaboration. A typical 2D drawing is revised many number of times during the course of a design cycle and many a times even during subsequent batch or lot manufacturing.

Compare 2D CAD Drawings Read More »

The ability to visually compare 2D drawing files is helpful to quickly identify the changes in CAD drawing revisions or versions. Comparing 2D files helps you save lots of time and enables faster collaboration. A typical 2D drawing is revised many number of times during the course of a design cycle and many a times even during subsequent batch or lot manufacturing.

Introducing Glovius 2D Viewer

Technical Drawings or 2D drawings as they are popularly known convey lot of instantly glance-able information. Due to the international adoption of drawing standards these drawings are especially useful in collaboration by capturing the geometric features of the components. We had many of our users asking for support to 2D files.

Introducing Glovius 2D Viewer Read More »

Technical Drawings or 2D drawings as they are popularly known convey lot of instantly glance-able information. Due to the international adoption of drawing standards these drawings are especially useful in collaboration by capturing the geometric features of the components. We had many of our users asking for support to 2D files.

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